This collection of thirteen songs challenges the listener to walk in the Light of Christ.
The high-energy mix of songs will engage you in worship and put a smile on your face. With fun songs like "Let's Dance", "Shout!" and "In The Light" plus popular worship songs like "All Because Of Jesus", "Sing, Sing, Sing" and "Everlasting God, this album will have everyone in the family singing and dancing!
Track listing: 1. Chase the Light 2. Shout 3. All Because of Jesus 4. Sing, Sing, Sing 5. You Are the Light 6. Nothin Says Hope 7. Solid Rock 8. Everlasting God 9. Shut De Do 10. In the Light 11. Eyes of Faith 12. Let's Dance 13. Get Down
This DOWNLOAD includes: MP3 and PDF lyric sheet for each song.
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