I Count On You (Download)

Any time you turn on great music in a room full of preschoolers, something wonderful starts to happen. They begin to smile, bounce, clap, wiggle and sing with total abandon. They throw their whole bodies into their worship experience! As parents and church leaders, we need to give them songs with great words, so they will be singing about what matters most.

Since preschoolers are busy learning how to count, our creative team decided to focus these songs around helping them learn WHO they can always count on. We want them to sing about their heavenly Father who made them, loves them, and sent Jesus to be their friend forever. They can always count on God!

Track Listing:

1. Talk to God
2. Oh Yeah, He Can!
3. We Can Praise Jesus
4. Good, Good Friend
5. God Made Me —Special
6. Guess Who?
7. Hosanna Rock
8. Wherever, Whatever
9. I Know He Loves Me
10. I Count On You
11. I Can See
12. Happy Birthday, Jesus!
13. Yes! Jesus Loves Me
14. Pick It Up

This DOWNLOAD includes: MP3 and PDF lyric sheet for each song.

By purchasing this DOWNLOAD, you agree to all Amber Sky Records TERMS AND CONDITIONS.

  • SKU: 692933943877-DL
  • In Stock