Seen + Beyond the Spiral Bundle
Market price - $45.98

Seen: Healing Despair And Anxiety In Kids And Teens Through The Power Of Connection

Do you sense your child might be struggling with something but you just can’t put it into words? Maybe you’re a youth pastor, small group leader, teacher, or coach who wants to know how to help kids who are facing despair. There are countless resources available for addressing physical and academic needs of today’s youth, but what about their mental and emotional needs?

Youth anxiety and depression rates are rising. No parent wants their kid to suffer from despair. This book contains essential information about the dynamics of despair in kids and teens in a clear and understandable way. In each page, you will find helpful information about why the kid or teen in your life might be struggling, but also comfort in knowing how you can help. Throughout each chapter, you will learn about different tools of connection and the critical steps you can take to help kids and teens feel seen so that they can find confidence in who God has called them to be.

Beyond The Spiral: Why You Shouldn't Believe Everything Anxiety Tells You

Anxiety is a normal human response to stressful circumstances. But sometimes anxiety takes more control over us than we would like, and we find ourselves stuck in a cycle of fear and anxious thoughts. That cycle (sometimes called the spiral of anxiety) can leave us feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and exhausted.

Teenagers and young adults already have a lot on their minds, with the pressures of keeping up grades, navigating their future, and keeping their social life intact. Anxiety can make life even more difficult.

They need to discover that anxiety doesn’t have to own or define them and that they can move beyond the spiral of anxiety. If you know a teenager or young adult looking for help to manage their anxiety, and you’re discouraged by dismissive answers like, “you should just pray more and worry less,” this book is for them.

In Beyond the Spiral, Will Hutcherson and Dr. Chinwé Williams help teens and young adults discover six lies that can keep them spiraling in anxiety:

  • I am not safe.
  • I should just ignore it.
  • It’s all in my head.
  • I have no control.
  • I’m going to miss out.
  • I can do it alone.

Then they help readers discover the truths to replace those lies, along with practical strategies to break free from the cycle. Not only will they learn coping skills as if on the couch of a licensed therapist, they’ll also discover how to apply those skills from a faith perspective.

Beyond the Spiral seamlessly combines both faith and psychology to give a teen or young adult everything they need to stop believing the lies of anxiety and to thrive instead of just surviving life.

This Bundle includes 1 copy of the book Seen: Healing Despair And Anxiety In Kids And Teens Through The Power Of Connection and 1 copy of the book  Beyond The Spiral: Why You Shouldn’t Believe Everything Anxiety Tells You.

  • Weight: 1.029 lbs
  • SKU: 692933899068
  • In Stock