Phase Guide Variety Pack - 18 Books
Market price - $449.82
The phase strategy hasn't changed—it just got an upgrade! Our Phase Guides have a new look and content.
  • New Covers
  • New Illustrations
  • New Phase Milestones
  • New Phase Celebrations
  • New Phase Crisis Responses
Plus, new phase resources linked throughout each guide.


The "Parenting Your..." series consists of 18 books to help leaders & parents leverage the unique opportunities in every phase of a kid's life. Perfect for church resource centers, small groups, gifts for parents, or parent ministry programs.

Parents want to understand their kids better. But as soon as they understand their kid’s current phase, they move into the next one, and it feels like starting over—again.

That’s why the Phase Guides: Parenting Your... collection of books is designed to help you equip parents with what they need to know now so they won’t miss the important things their kids need to know about life.

We’ve condensed and simplified academic research and the best thinking in ministry and child development, added humor, made it practical, and packaged it for busy leaders and parents.

In every guide, expect to discover:

  • What’s changing over the next 52 weeks
  • The 6 things each phase needs the most
  • How to approach conversations about faith, heath, sexual integrity and technology
  • How your kid will be changing physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, and spiritually
Help parents make the most of every phase of their child's life.
  • Weight: 10 lbs
  • SKU: 692933103059
  • In Stock