Ollie is ready to go on another adventure with you! This activity book serves as a devotional with engaging questions and scripture that you can discuss and learn together. These fun and colorful activities will help preschoolers learn that God made them, God loves them, and they can trust God.
Each page includes activities to help preschoolers practice key school-readiness skills, such as matching, shape identification, hand-eye coordination, counting, and more.
For even more fun with Ollie, encourage parents to download the FREE Parent Cue app to download additional resources and to watch Ollie videos.
Ollie’s Press Play Activity Book can be used any time, by any church or family. It can be one of your tools for helping parents disciple their children at home.
This activity book includes 12 pages of activities, each on a different page to avoid bleed-through.
This product is sold in sets of 10, so if you order a quantity of 1, you will receive 10 books.